When setting off to hike in the beautiful national parks and areas surrounding Ferber Resorts, be sure that you are taking precautions to protect yourself, the environment, and others around you. Staying on the trail is key to avoiding accidents while exploring Southern Utah’s incredible wildlife and scenery. Not only are you protecting yourself and the environment today, but you are also preserving the trail for future visitors! How will you help protect flora and fauna in Zion National Park and other hiking areas? Why is it so important that we stick to the trail? 

Protecting The Environment

We design trails to minimize human activity and its impact on the surrounding environment. Fragile ecosystems and habitats are located just off these trails, and when people veer off the path, it can damage them. Be vigilant of where you are stepping, and make an extra effort to stay on the paved or designated trails. 

Ensuring Your Safety

Trails are marked and maintained by park rangers and other staff to ensure a safe and accessible path for everyone. You avoid getting lost or encountering a difficult situation while staying on the trail. You might run into hazardous terrains or wildlife when exploring areas not marked or regulated. And you don’t want to find yourself nose-to-nose with a mountain lion or on the edge of a cliff. 

Respecting Property 

Some hiking trails might pass through private property. If caught roaming, you might land yourself a ticket or other legal consequences. Areas surrounding the trail might be protected by a nature preserve. In Southern Utah, particularly, areas are preserved for the Desert tortoise population as they are an endangered species. By respecting the trail, you can prevent trespassing on private land and potentially causing legal issues or disturbing a vital habitat. 

Preserving The Trail 

By wandering off the beaten path, you create new paths that could confuse other visitors. You wouldn’t want to be the reason someone else’s safety is compromised. The condition of the path needs to remain accessible to other guests and hikers as well as staff to keep the path in good condition. The designated trail is maintained by park rangers to ensure your safety and the safety of others. 

Do Your Part! 

Next time you find yourself exploring any magnificent landscape, be sure to respect the trail and guidelines put in place. These paths are created to protect you, the environment, its inhabitants, and others around you. Learning the importance of staying on the trail will keep you from a difficult situation. Whether you find yourself exploring Zion National Park or other trails in Southern Utah, stick to the path and remember that you are taking your stride to protect the breathtaking beauty of the world around you. 

When visiting Feber Resorts, stay on the paved or designated trails to preserve the beauty of Zion National Park. With your help, we can maintain these trails for generations to come.